6 Facts About Momo Challenge thet You should Know!
6 Facts About Momo Challenge that You Should Know!
Momo Challenge is a challenge to injure yourself to suicide. Targeting children as victims, the challenge is known to have claimed casualties in Argentina. Behind the victims and the mysteries of the bustling Momo Challenge on social media, there are some interesting facts about the challenge. Here are 6 facts about Momo Challenge :
Momo character comes from Japan
Momo's character that is now global at first is the work of Japanese artists. After being investigated by the authorities, the artist who made this work has nothing to do with the Momo Challenge which now threatens the community. Momo's character starts from a statue by Midori Hayashi.
Similar to the Blue Whale Challenge
This challenge is similar to the Blue Whale Challenge which also had time to worry in 2017. Gradually, the victims of this challenge were asked to resolve a number of challenges that had to be resolved in 50 days and ended with suicide. Likewise with the Momo Challenge, the figure of Momo will send a series of photos or challenges via WhatsApp that tells the victim to hurt himself, for example the order to send a photo tie a cloth around the neck.
Citizens Appealed to Be Careful
Fortunately reducing the danger, the police appealed to people not to interact with the accounts that use Momo's photos, especially the numbers from the place where the Challenge came from. Parents are also asked to supervise their children in playing social media because the Momo Challenge targets teenagers.
Seven telephone numbers with Japanese code are suspected as Momo Challenge admin
According to BBC reports, there are 7 telephone numbers with codes from Japan that are suspected of initiating these dangerous challenges.
"It all started in the Facebook group, where participants were challenged to start communicating with unknown numbers," said a statement from the Tabasco State Computer Crime Investigation Unit, Mexico.
"Some users say, if they send messages to Momo via cellphones, the replies are violent and aggressive, and some have threatening messages," he added.
From reports circulating, Momo has taken 12-year-old children in Argentina. According to a Fox News report, a 12-year-old girl committed suicide in the Escobar district of Ingeniero town, Maschwitz after this challenge. The victim was found hanging in his backyard. Before he died, the victim recorded the action using a smartphone.
Still Arrested by Police
The police are still investigating who is the mastermind behind this game. The game starts with adding Momo Whatsapp numbers which will then give him a challenge after the challenge to do. Momo WhatsApp numbers are estimated to come from Columbia, Japan and Mexico.
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