7 Benefits of Chili as a Diet Food

7 Benefits of Chili as a Diet Food

Chili is a member of the plant Genus Capsicum. The spicy taste is usually used as a food flavour enhancer, there are even some areas that have special foods with spicy flavours. Chili contains antioxidants that function to protect the body from free radical attacks. L-asparaginase and capsaicin contained in chili act as anticancer substances. The high content of Vitamin C in chili is also very beneficial for health. Capsaicin compounds in chili also make it a friend of your diet. There are many benefits that can be taken from chili for diet. But, how does chili help you get the ideal body weight?

Chili Keeps the Health of the Digestive System
A poor digestive system makes absorption of nutrients less optimal. Lack of certain nutrients can trigger you to eat more so that the body gets the nutrients it needs. Well, chili can be used to keep your digestion healthy and smooth, so that the absorption of nutrients is optimal. But, it must be remembered, too much intake of chili can make your stomach heat and interfere with digestion.

Increase Energy and Precautions
Research conducted on animals shows that capsaicin can increase energy and alertness levels, this way you will remain active throughout the day and certainly can facilitate weight loss.

Supplying Vitamins in the Body
Chili is a source of vitamins rich in vitamins A and C that can fight disease and strengthen the immune system. This vitamin also functions as a powerful antioxidant that can fight the signs of aging.

The Spicy Taste of Chili Prevents You from Overeating
Spicy flavour that is high enough, as in cayenne pepper, makes your tongue numb for a while. Even though it feels addictive, we are not tempted to consume it excessively. Through this method, you can keep yourself from overeating, so that your calorie intake is more controlled.

Capsaicin in Chili Helps Accelerate Your Body's Metabolism
Capsaicin is an active compound contained in chili. This compound also often determines the level of chili spiciness. The more the amount of capsaicin, the more spicy it feels. Well, it turns out that capsaicin has the ability to push metabolism in your body. Through a study, it was found that capsaicin helps increase the heat produced by the body, making you burn more calories daily. You must be aware that your body is sweating after consuming spicy food, right? In another study, those who consumed breakfast containing capsaicin and medium-chain triglyceride oil burned 51 percent more calories than those whose breakfast did not contain capsaicin. Even so, the effect of metabolic acceleration caused by capsaicin is not significant.

Chili makes you burn more calories when you exercise
With the benefit of the metabolic boost that capsaicin has, you can burn calories more effectively if you consume chili before exercising. Through a study, capsaicin has proven to be effective in increasing energy and alertness levels. In addition, this compound also gives you a boost in stamina, so you can exercise longer and burn more calories.

Capsaicin is also useful in helping the processing of carbohydrates and oxidation of fats
In a study conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Centre, it was found that capsaicin plays a role in processing carbohydrates into energy. So, you don't need to worry if calories accumulate and cause obesity. In addition, capsaicin was also effective in fat metabolism, especially getting rid of fat in the liver area. If it accumulates, this fat has a harmful effect on cardiovascular health.


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