The Benefits of Garlic
Besides being effective as a cooking spice, garlic is also effective for warding off several types of diseases. However, this way of eating garlic for health may be unusual for you. You are encouraged to eat raw garlic, without cooking or processing it first. After hearing the following properties, You will no longer hesitate to consume raw garlic immediately.
The process of cooking and processing garlic causes the loss of various important nutrients and ingredients. So, eating raw garlic like eating this fruit will ensure that all important nutrients are not lost. If you regularly eat garlic raw, at least twice a week, you can get the following benefits :
1.Can Stabilize Blood Pressure.
Over the years, the components of garlic have been believed to be able to reduce tension by minimizing the possibility of blockage of blood vessels. According to an institution that deals with herbal plants and medicines in California, United States, eating a bowl of raw garlic every day can actually help overcome symptoms of high blood pressure.
For the record, garlic is widely used in Germany as part of high blood pressure treatment. And for years in China, this kitchen spice has also been used as an antihypertensive drug.
2.Prevent Hair Loss.
Who would have thought that eating raw garlic could overcome the problem of hair loss which has been very disturbing? Alopecia or baldness caused by autoimmune diseases and raw garlic can strengthen and encourage hair growth on the scalp. Some people even apply garlic gel on the head to prevent baldness.
3.Overcoming diabetes.
Research shows that consuming 2 to 3 single garlic cloves regularly can reduce blood sugar levels. Allicin onions when combined with vitamin B and thiamine can stimulate the pancreas to send insulin throughout the body.
4.Maintain brain health.
Various disorders that attack the brain such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia can apparently be prevented by eating raw garlic. Recent research in the Journal of Neurochemistry proves that the content of S-allyl-L-cysteine (SAC) and the antioxidants found in garlic can protect the brain from various cognitive damage. The chemical element is responsible for preventing the build up of plaque or harmful substances in the central nervous system.
5.Prevent heart disease.
The good news comes from a study published in The Journal of Nutrition. In the study, it was revealed that raw garlic can help reduce plaque build up in the coronary arteries, which are blood vessels that pump blood to the heart. Eating raw garlic regularly also works to prevent the formation and build up of plaque in the coronary arteries. This is certainly very beneficial for those of you who have various types of disorders in the heart and metabolic system.
6.Reducing the risk of cancer.
Raw garlic is rich in bioactive sulfur compounds. According to the National Cancer Institute in the United States, these compounds can prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body. This is because bioactive sulfur functions to repair or kill damaged body cells, protect the body from carcinogens, and inhibit the spread of unhealthy cells. Various scientific studies around the world have proven the efficacy of eating raw garlic to kill or reduce various types of cancer cells such as breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and lung cancer.
Benefits of Garlic for Men and Women.
Here are some benefits of garlic for men and women, especially those related to fertility :
▪ Increase estrogen levels in women.
▪ Smooth blood circulation and increase stamina for pregnant women.
▪ Prevent chromosomal abnormalities in infants.
▪ Regulates reproductive hormones.
▪ Prevent sperm damage.
▪ Smooth blood circulation to sexual organs.
The benefits of garlic for women is to increase estrogen levels. Garlic plays a role in cleansing the blood and helping circulation, so that women have good stamina to conceive. Vitamin B6, vitamin C, and selenium in it will prevent chromosomal abnormalities in the baby being conceived. Reported by Positive Med, consumption of one clove of raw garlic every day before ovulation (fertile period) will increase the likelihood of pregnancy in women.
Meanwhile, the benefits of garlic for men are adding to the passion of sexuality. Garlic is a source of vitamin B6 and selenium. Vitamin B6 is useful for strengthening immunity and regulating hormones. Meanwhile selenium acts as an antioxidant that prevents sperm damage. Allicin contained in garlic also functions to accelerate blood circulation to sexual organs.
Here we show recipes to get the benefits of garlic for men.
-5 cloves of garlic
-1 Egg yolk
-1 Spoon eating pure honey
How to get the benefits of garlic for men:
1.Blend the peeled garlic.
2.Stir in crushed garlic with egg yolks.
3.Drink the mixture before making love or every morning to get the benefits of garlic to the fullest
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